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Smorgon Milk Products
a branch of JSC «Lida Milk and Canning Plant»

Общественные объединения

Chairman: Dzhumkova Anna Vladimirovna Address: Smorgon, st. Lenina, 5 Tel. 8-01592-3-76-39 Grodno regional organization of the public association "Belarusian Union of Women" (http://grodnobsz.by/) Public Association "Belarusian Union of Women" (http://oobsg.by/)
Chairman: Matskevich Vanda Ivanovna Address: Smorgon, st. Lenin, 5-214 Tel. 8-01592-3-13-92 Grodno regional branch of the NGO "Belarusian Peace Foundation" (http://fondmira.by/grodnenskoe-oblastnoe-otdelenie/) Address: 230010, Republic of Belarus, Grodno, Yanka Kupala Avenue,…
Address: 231000, Grodno region, Smorgon, Bolnichny per., 13 Phone: (8-01592) 31957, (8029) 7937097 Chairman of the Presidium of the Smorgon District Organization BRCS: Kudenchuk SN Chairman of the district organization:…
NGO BRSM   Public Association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" is the legal successor of the Komsomol of Belarus, the Union of Belarusian Youth, the Belarusian Patriotic Youth Union, the Belarusian…
Chairman - Bychko Gennady Pavlovich, ph. 8 015 923 76 02 Deputy Chairman - Poyuchenko Svetlana Ivanovna, ph 8 015 922 21 20 Chief Accountant - Domorad Galina Antonovna, ph.…
Chairman of the Smorgon District Council of Veterans: Vladimir Kosakovsky
Chairman: Valyukevich O.V. (ph. +375291999037, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Treasurer: Vladyko N.T. Sportinstrukttor: Matveyev V.V. Responsible for labor protection: Zabramsky V.B. Cultural organizer: Petrovskaya S.V. Cultural organizer: Leoshko N.V. Cultural organizer: Gonchar…

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